Get Involved
The Federated Church is a great place to be at. Get involved in what is going on in and at our church. No matter how big or small we have something for everyone to take part in.
There are many groups and committees that may be of interest to you. Take part and feel good about the christian work you are doing.
Clubs and committees include:
Coffee, Clergy and Conversation
Garden Club
Building and Grounds
Finance Committee
Outreach Programs
Food Bank
Christian Education
Church Council
Bell Ringers
Women's Guild
Weekly Alter Flowers
Give Back
We do various church community events throughout the year. We are always in need of volunteers to help us our with these events. Take a moment to consider giving back to the church community.
Church Community Event Include:
Fundraiser Dinners (Lasagna, Ham, Cornbeef and Cabbage Dinners)
Shut-Ins Program
Food Bank
Church Spring Cleaning Day
Spring Yard Work
Rummage Sales
Holiday Set-up